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研究生: 李明修
Ming-Hsiu Lee
論文名稱: 客戶滿意度導向之建設公司流程再造-以集合住宅為例
Customer Satisfaction Oriented Construction Company BPR – Lase Study of Residential Building
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 郭斯傑
Sy-Jye Guo
Ming-Hsiu Tsai
Yo-Ming Hsies
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: PZB服務品質缺口模式企業流程再造單迴路學習雙迴路學習
外文關鍵詞: PZB service quality gap model, Business Process Reengineering(BPR), Single Loop Learning, Double Loop Learning
相關次數: 點閱:259下載:2
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  • 本研究旨在探討建設公司於銷售房地產時,從土地開發、規劃設計、房地產銷售、委外營建施工、交屋至售後服務等,建設公司於服務消費者所產生消費糾紛原因探討,針對消費者不滿意項目,應用PZB服務品質缺口模式,確認消費者不滿意改善缺口,應用企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering, BPR),對建設公司現行的作業流程列入優先改善的作業,重新設計作業流程,以滿足流程改善目標,縮小消費者不滿意缺口,進而提升消費者滿意度。

    This study aims to explore the construction of the company in the sale of real estate, from the land development, planning and design, real estate sales, outsourcing construction, housing and after-sales service, construction companies in consumer services arising from consumer disputes, We are not satisfied with the project, the application of PZB service quality gap model, to confirm the consumer is not satisfied with the improvement gap, the application of business process reengineering (Business Process Reengineering, BPR), the construction company's current operating processes included priority improvement operations, redesign the operating process , To meet the process to improve the target, narrow consumer dissatisfaction gap, thereby enhancing consumer satisfaction.
    The results of this study, for the construction of the company to enhance consumer satisfaction with the implementation of enterprise process reengineering, to provide a reference to the implementation of the blueprint, but also as a way to implement the overall business process planning basis. The main achievements of this study include: (1) the use of "PZB service quality gap model" theory and methods to build the company in the process of service quality delivery of the five service gap (gap), the five gaps are affecting services ; (2) the use of ARIS process modeling method based on the construction process model, can clearly express the business model of operation; (3) Application of single and double loop learning concept applied to the business process analysis work to really understand the importance of business processes related to the lack of process services, as an important reference for process design; (4) to "build company / Stage operation process reengineering model "as an example, the actual operation of the study proposed process reengineering model to verify its availability, and proposed the process of recycling recommendations, the other can also be used as a model reference.

    第一章 緒 論1 1.1 研究動機1 1.2 研究目的2 1.3 研究範圍2 1.4 研究內容3 1.5 研究步驟4 1.6 論文架構6 第二章 文獻回顧7 2.1 建設公司經營特性7 2.1.1 產業特性7 2.1.2 經營特色7 2.1.3 建設公司經營管理問題8 2.2 服務品質與客戶滿意度8 2.2.1 建設公司提供客戶服務項目8 2.2.2 服務品質定義與特性10 2.2.3 服務品質模式 11 2.2.4 顧客滿意度13 2.3 企業流程再造15 2.3.1 流程再造的定義15 2.3.2 流程再造之架構與執行步驟17 2.3.3 建設公司管理流程再造模式20 2.3.4 ARIS流程塑模概念23 第三章 建立建設公司/營造廠營建流程再造模式的觀念與架構27 3.1 營造廠施工作業於建設公司營建流程再造角色扮演27 3.2 再造模式之整體架構說明28 第四章 建設公司改善客戶滿意度導向企業流程再造模式的實施與應用35 4.1 案例介紹35 4.2 流程重現36 4.2.1 尋找流程相關購屋糾紛項目與建設公司營建作業項目36 4.2.2 建立客戶不滿意項目與建設公司營建作業項目關係矩陣38 4.2.3 依PZB服務缺口模式定義流程名稱40 4.2.4 建立流程模型 44 4.3 流程評估47 4.3.1 確立流程目標要素47 4.3.2 評估流程目標要素重要性51 4.3.3 評估流程目標達成度53 4.4 流程效能缺口分析59 4.4.1 建立建設公司營建流程作業項目與營建廠施工流程作業項目關係矩陣 59 4.4.2 計算營建廠施工作業流程對流程目標要素貢獻度61 4.5 流程服務缺口分析73 4.5.1 確認流程服務缺口之問題標的73 4.5.2 建立流程服務缺口與施工作業影響程度關係矩陣74 4.6 流程設計77 4.6.1 確立流程再造原則77 4.6.2 建立新流程並塑模79 4.7 流程檢核81 4.7.1 評估新流程目標達成度81 4.7.2 分析流程成本結構83 4.7.3 評估流程改善效果86 第五章 結論與建議87 5.1 結論87 5.2 建議88 參考文獻89

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