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研究生: 蔡明修
Ming-Hsiu Tsai
論文名稱: 統包團隊跨組織流程再造之研究
Cross-Organization Process Re-engineering for Design-Build Project Team
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 王慶煌
Ching-Hwang Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 194
中文關鍵詞: 統包快捷施工跨組織流程再造語意相似度流程分析流程整合多代理人系統
外文關鍵詞: fast-track construction, BPR, process analysis, process integration, MAS
相關次數: 點閱:281下載:27
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  • 統包工程主要由統包團隊負責工程之設計與施工,因此團隊中,設計單位與營造廠間之協調與合作能力,將為影響統包工程是否執行順遂之關鍵因素。 然而,受國內營建法規之限制,建築設計單位與營造廠之間,多為監造與被監造之關係,雙方合作經驗甚少,故當雙方因統包工程而結盟時,常無法有效整合工作成果,導致設計與施工介面無法整合,因而降低統包模式之效益。為此,本研究以實現統包快捷施工為目的,針對設計單位與營造廠之設計與施工流程之協同整合進行研究,並建立一設計/施工整合架構(Integrated Design-Build Framework, IDBF),以做為統包團隊進行流程整合之依據。
    設計/施工整合架構中,首先針對業主工程需求,利用原則設計(Axiomatic Design)之方式,將工程分解成不同之設計/施工包(Design-Build Modules, DBMs),並依據分解過程中所釐清之設計與施工作業間從屬關係,建立一快捷施工模型(Fast-tracking model),作為統包團隊執行快捷施工之參考。為了有效執行快捷施工模型,本研究進一步建立一跨組織流程再造方法(Cross-organization process re-engineering method, COPReM),透過流程相似度之分析,找出設計單位與營造廠流程間之相似作業及相似資訊流,據以進行跨組織流程之整合,建立統包團隊之協同流程模型(Collaborative Process Model)。最後,本研究以多代理人之架構(Multi-agent system architecture),開發設計/施工流程協同系統(Design-Build Process Collaboration System, DBPCS),用以自動管理並執行協同流程,提供一整合之作業環境,使設計者與營造工程師得以透過作業資訊共享訊息溝通之方式,進行協同工作。

    Design-Build (D/B) is considered to be the fastest project delivery system as it encourages fast-tracking of design and construction phases. However, the unfamiliarity of design-builders in Taiwan with the D/B process has decreased the benefits of the method. The collaboration between the architecture/engineer (A/E) and the general constructor (GC) has not been simple. The limitations of Taiwan laws and regulations tend to keep A/Es and GCs to their own spheres, so that functional intervals between them bring difficulties in cooperating as a D/B team. Accordingly, it is desirable to increase the collaboration efficiency of fast-tracking in the D/B team.
    This research extended business process reengineering (BPR) philosophy to the cross-organizational process to integrate fast-tracking processes between A/E and GC, so that the processes used by a D/B team can be integrated across organizational boundaries. Combining the fast-tracking mechanism, the cross-organizational process reengineering philosophy and the multi-agent system architecture, an Integrated Design-Build Framework (IDBF) was developed to implement the fast-track construction through the performance of A/E’s and GC’s collaborative processes in a D/B team.
    Summarily, this research proposed a collaborative-process-based mechanism to facilitate the flexibility of process collaboration and the feasibility of fast-track construction, assessing the alliance of A/E and GC in one design-build project.

    ABSTRACT …...………………………………………………………...I ABSTRACT (in Chinese) …..………………………………………….III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (in Chinese)……………………………….V ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ……………………………..... XII LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………. XIII LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………….…XV 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Motivation 1 1.2 Research Objectives 3 1.3 Scope Definition 3 1.3.1 Boundary Identification 3 1.3.2 Research Assumptions 4 1.4 Research Methodology 4 1.4.1 Problem Formulation 7 1.4.2 Literature Review 7 1.4.3 Framework Construction 8 1.4.4 Fast-Tracking Model Creation 9 1.4.5 Collaborative Process Model Creation 9 1.4.6 DBPCS Development 10 1.4.7 Assessment 10 1.5 Study Outline 11 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 13 2.1 Fast-Track Construction 13 2.1.1 Overview 13 2.1.2 Concurrent Engineering in Construction 14 2.2 Axiomatic Design (AD) 18 2.2.1 Overview 18 2.2.2 Domains 20 2.2.3 Hierarchies 20 2.2.4 The design axioms 21 2.3 Semantic Similarity 23 2.3.1 Overview 23 2.3.2 Basic concepts for semantic similarity analysis 24 2.4 Multi-Agent System (MAS) 27 2.4.1 Overview 27 2.4.2 Agent Model 29 2.4.3 Agent Interaction 29 2.4.4 Agent Application Domains 32 2.5 Object-Oriented System Development (OOSD) 36 3. INTEGRATED DESIGN-BUILD FRAMEWORK (IDBF) 39 3.1 Problem Description of Integrated Design-Build Framework 39 3.2 Architecture of Integrated Design-Build Framework 41 4. Fast-Tracking Model Creation Method 46 4.1 Define the First Level FRs 47 4.2 Decompose FRs and Design Proposals (DPs) 48 4.3 Generate Construction Process Variables (CPVs) 53 4.4 Evaluate the Construction Matrix [B] 54 4.5 Produce the Concurrent Matrix [C] 55 4.6 Rearrange Both Design Matrix [A] and [B] 59 4.7 Create the Fast-Tracking Model 59 5. Cross-Organization Process Re-engineering Method (COPReM) 63 5.1 Process Representation 64 5.2 Semantic Hierarchy Creation 67 5.2.1 Data semantic hierarchy creation 67 5.2.2 Activity semantic hierarchy creation 78 5.3 Process Similarity Analysis 80 5.4 Cross-organization Process Reengineering 84 5.4.1 Overlapping Analysis 85 5.4.2 Coupling Analysis 87 6. Design-Build Process Collaboration System (DBPCS) Development 94 6.1 System Analysis 94 6.2 System Design 98 6.2.1 DBM Management Module 98 DBM Manager 100 Process Monitor 103 6.2.2 Process Engine 104 6.2.3 Activity Execution Module 107 6.3 System Implementation 122 6.3.1 DBM Monitor Server 122 6.3.2 Process Engine Server 123 6.3.2 MAS Server 124 6.3.3 IDBF Management UI 125 6.3.4 Assistant Agent Client Program 131 6.4 System Test 137 6.4.1 Project Creation in the DBPCS 138 6.4.2 DBM and Process Invoking Test 139 6.4.3 Activity Delegation Test 141 6.4.4 Data Retrieving Agent Test 142 7. Conclusion and Recommendation 145 7.1 Review of Objectives 145 7.2 Summary 145 7.3 Conclusions 148 7.4 Research Contributions 152 7.5 Discussions 153 7.6 Recommendations 155 BIBLIOGRAPHY 158 VITA 167

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