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研究生: 王祥瑀
Shiang-Yu Wang
論文名稱: 3D列印法律責任之研究-以消費關係為核心
3D Printing Liabilities: A Consumer Protection Perspective
指導教授: 陳曉慧
Hsiao-Hui Chen
口試委員: 林瑞珠
Jui-chu Lin
Jau-Hwa Chen
Yih-Lin Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 3D列印消費者保護法商品製造人責任CAD檔案3D列印提供業者3D列印業餘愛好者
外文關鍵詞: 3D printing, Consumer Protection Law, Products’ manufacturers’ liabilities, CAD files, 3D printing providers, 3D printing amateurs
相關次數: 點閱:210下載:5
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  • 3D列印機使人人皆可以成為製造者,帶來創新商業模式。本文欲探討在此新型態商業活動中,消費者受到3D列印商品損害時,現行消費者保護法(下稱消保法)是否依然能有效規範3D列印產業與保護消費者。鑑於歐盟與美國已開始對3D列印的商品責任進行探討,本文採取文獻分析法與比較法之研究方法,進行討論。所獲得之研究結論,首先,3D列印所使用之CAD檔案,由於歐盟與美國皆並未將服務納入商品責任中,因此皆面臨CAD檔案是否為商品的問題。但我國將大量製造與客製化的商品與服務皆納入消保法的規範,企業經營者皆須負無過失責任,具有相同法律規範效果,故無區分CAD檔案是商品亦或服務之實益。第二,3D列印業餘愛好者,是否屬於消保法所規範之企業經營者,除我國實務與學說提及之行為是否反覆為之,以之為常業的因素外,建議可再審酌美國法院判斷因素之賣方是否為受害者在商品產銷流程中唯一可以獲得補救的對象;以及美國學者建議3D列印業餘愛好者可提出微賣家肯定性答辯,再由法院審酌之營業規模、組織規模、是否獲利、製造經驗、能否分攤成本與保險、社會對特定商品的需求、賣方的誠信等因素,以確保受害者可以獲得賠償,與保護未意識到自己已經在進行營業行為的賣方。第三,消保法規定從事製造商品的企業經營者須負無過失責任。然而3D列印提供業者雖為最終印製商品之人,但其對商品的設計掌控度與安全性非常有限,不宜要求其負無過失責任。因此建議對製造者之定義作目的性限縮,將經銷企業經營者之推定過失責任類推適用於3D列印提供業者。最後,對於如何解決受害者可能難以追蹤請求損害賠償的對象的問題,本文參考歐盟建議,認為可透過在CAD檔案中加入特定要素或者在3D列印商品中嵌入標記(DNA)解決。並且要求企業經營者在以網路平台銷售CAD檔案與3D列印商品時,須依行政院消費者保護處電子商務消費者保護綱領規範,於線上揭露資訊,保障消費者權益。

    3D printing not only enables everyone to become a manufacturer but also brings out new business models. Therefore, it brings out concern that, when consumers are damaged by 3D printing products in the future, whether Taiwan’s current Consumer Protection Law can still effectively regulate the 3D printing industry and protect consumers. Since the EU and the United States have already started to discuss 3D printing product liability, this paper adopts the research methods of the literature analysis method and the comparative method to discuss. The research conclusions obtained, first of all, the CAD files used for 3D printing, because the EU and the United States did not include services in product liability, they all face the problem of whether the CAD files are products. However, since Taiwan’s Consumer Protection Law includes both mass-produced or customized products and services, both products and services business operators need to bear strict liability. Therefore, there is no need to distinguish whether CAD files are products or services. Secondly, whether 3D printing amateurs are the business operators regulated by Taiwan’s Consumer Protection Law. In addition to considering the factors in Taiwan’s practice and doctrine: whether the behavior is repeated, and taking this behavior as a profession. This paper suggests that Taiwan should also consider the factors that the United States court apply: whether the actor is the only member of the marketing chain available to the injured plaintiff for redress, and scholar’s suggestions: micro-seller affirmative defense. When 3D printing amateurs apply micro-seller affirmative defense, the court will consider factors such as business scale, organization size, profitability, manufacturing experience, ability to share costs and insurance, social demand for specific products, and the seller's good faith. Ensure that victims receive compensation and protect sellers who are not aware of they are in the business. Thirdly, Taiwan’s Consumer Protection Law stipulates business operators engaged in the manufacture of products are liable for strict liability. However, although 3D printing providers manufacture final products, they only have limited control over products’ design and safety, they should not be required to be responsible for strict liability. Therefore, this paper proposes that 3D printing providers should not be deemed as manufacturers and that 3D printing providers should analogy with distributors and only liable for the presumption of negligence. Lastly, in order for victims to track responsible parties, this paper refers to the EU recommendations and believes that it can be solved by adding specific elements to the CAD files or embedding the mark (DNA) in the 3D printing products. In addition, business operators selling CAD files and 3D printing products on the Internet platform must disclose information on the Internet to protect consumer rights in accordance with the administrative ordinances of the e-commerce consumer protection of the Consumer Protection Committee, Executive Yuan.

    摘要 III Abstract IV 致謝 VI 目錄 VII 表目錄 X 圖目錄 XI 1. 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究範圍與方法 1 1.2.1 研究範圍 1 1.2.2 研究方法 2 1.3 論文架構 2 2. 3D列印技術說明與問題之提出 3 2.1 3D列印之意義 3 2.2 3D列印之流程與參與者 4 2.3 3D列印與傳統方式製造商品產銷流程之差異 8 2.3.1 傳統方式製造商品之產銷流程 8 2.3.2 3D列印製造商品產銷流程及差異比較 11 2.4 問題之提出 14 3. 歐盟規範之探討 15 3.1 法規調適方案 15 3.1.1 歐洲經濟社會委員會與歐洲議會之提案 15 3.1.2 瑕疵商品責任指令和行政規定之適用性 19 3.1.3 數位內容與服務契約指令之適用性 20 3.2 問題探討 24 3.2.1 商品之認定 24 3.2.2 承擔責任主體之認定 28 3.2.3 瑕疵之認定與免責 31 3.2.4 商品損害之認定 36 3.3 小結 38 4. 美國規範之探討 42 4.1 商品責任規範 42 4.2 問題探討 45 4.2.1 商品之認定 45 4.2.2 承擔責任主體之認定 51 4.2.3 商品瑕疵之認定與免責 65 4.2.4 商品損害之認定 69 4.3 其他監管方式 70 4.4 小結 72 5. 我國規範之探討 77 5.1 消費關係 77 5.2 商品、服務 79 5.3 承擔責任主體 82 5.4 請求權主體 87 5.5 商品、服務瑕疵 88 5.6 損害 93 5.7 小結 95 6. 結論 99 參考文獻 106

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