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研究生: 詹丕宗
Pi-tzong Jan
論文名稱: 社會影響對電子化服務之採用研究
The Study of Social Influence on e-Services Adoption
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 數位匯流網路電視二維品質模式社會判斷理論鏡射模式數位學習制度理論科技採用
外文關鍵詞: digital convergence, IPTV, Kano model, social judgment theory, lens model, e-learning, institutional theory, technology adoption
相關次數: 點閱:555下載:5
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  • 近年來電子化服務的快速發展,不但為消費者在生活上帶來革命性的便利,也為企業帶來新的商機。然而對於消費者採用電子化服務行為的瞭解不甚完整,導致電子化服務業者面臨獲利不符預期的困境,因此,瞭解影響消費者對於電子化服務採用的因素,對於電子化服務業者而言是極為重要的研究議題。
    第二個實證研究,探討影響企業員工使用數位學習之社會影響因素,研究中以制度理論為基礎提出一研究模式,探討強制力、規範力及模仿力等社會環境因素對於數位學習採用之行為影響,本研究以172位企業員工為調查對象,並利用淨最小平方法(Partial least squares,PLS)驗證該模式,研究結果發現,規範力與模仿力等社會因素顯著影響企業員工對於數位學習採用的態度與意圖,強制力則不影響,研究結果建議,企業可加強對員工之規範,並運用標竿模仿,以提高員工對於數位學習之使用意圖。

    The proliferation of e-services has not only created digital revaluation of our lives but has also provided the new business activities and opportunities. However, the environment of e-services is full of uncertainty. The uncertainty is that enterprises and consumers know so little about how to respond to the progress and expanding of e-services. Furthermore, enterprises hardly know how the consumers acquire, adopt, and experience the e-service; consumers also regard it hard to comprehend the ideas and considerations of enterprises in designing and promoting new e-services. Hence, this dissertation conducted two studies to provide solid models to examine and measure the perception of consumers on acquiring, adopting, and experiencing e-services.
    In the first study, focusing on the hedonic e-service, a measurement model was proposed to measure the perception discrepancy of IPTV service quality between the service provider and customers. The model, developed by exploratory factor analysis of survey data from 771 respondents, suggests adopting system quality, information quality, service quality, video quality, and adaptive channel quality to measure the IPTV service quality. Using this measurement model, this study adopts the Kano model to explore the perception of service quality between service providers and consumers. The results indicated a significant discrepancy between these two parties, and provide evidence for social factors influencing the perception discrepancy of e-service adoption between service provider and customers.
    The second study focused on the utilitarian e-service. A research model was proposed to examine three social environmental factors of coercive, normative and mimetic pressures within the e-learning context. An empirical study involving 172 subjects and the partial least square method was conducted to test this model. The results of the second study indicated that normative and mimetic pressures significantly influence the attitude and intention of adopting e-learning, while coercive pressures appear the opposite. Attitude plays a mediating role between both normative and mimetic institutional pressures and e-learning adoption. The second study contributes to a deeper understanding of the social factors that promote the use of e-learning in on-the-job training.
    Finally, the implications of these findings for service providers and the directions for future research are discussed herein.

    1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Research Questions 3 1.3 Research Purposes 4 1.4 Organization of the Dissertation 6 2. Provision of e-service 7 2.1 Conception and Definition of e-services 7 2.2 Empirical Studies Related to e-services 11 3. Study 1: Measuring the Perception Discrepancy of the Service Quality between Providers and Customers in the Internet Protocol Television Industry 15 3.1 Introduction 15 3.2 Definition of and Current Developments in IPTV 17 3.3 Theoretical Background and Research Framework 20 3.4 Methodology 26 3.5 Data Analysis and Results 29 3.6 Findings and Discussions 37 3.7 Conclusions 41 3.8 Limitation and Future Works 43 4. Study 2: The Adoption of e-learning----An Institutional Theory Perspective 44 4.1 Introduction 44 4.2 Theoretical Background and Conceptual Model 48 4.3 Research Methodology 61 4.4 Data Analyses and Results 65 4.5 Discussion and Conclusions 74 5. Conclusions 77 5.1 Implications for e-service Practitioners 79 5.2 Implications for Academic Researchers 80 5.3 Limitation and Future Research 81 6. References 82 7. Appendix 104

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