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研究生: 蘇宜婷
Yi-Ting Su
論文名稱: 以多層次觀點探討單位雙歧與任務績效之中介與調節機制–以動態能力為理論基礎
A Multilevel Examination of Unit Ambidexterity and Task Performance: Based on Dynamic Capability Theory
指導教授: 張譯尹
Yi-Ying Chang
口試委員: 郭啟賢
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 單位雙歧集體效能任務績效吸收能力動態能力理論
外文關鍵詞: Unit Ambidexterity, Collective Efficacy, Unit Performance, Absorptive Capacity, Dynamic Capability Theory
相關次數: 點閱:295下載:0
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  • 動態能力理論(Dynamic Capability Theory)的概念在近年逐漸受到關注,隨 著科技的發展以及市場的變化,迫使企業必須更快速的反應市場需求以維持競 爭優勢,因此企業得以改變能力的能力更顯重要。本研究探討單位雙歧在企業 內對個人之任務績效的影響,並研究兩者間的中介與調節機制,研究對象為 38 間企業之單位,包含 42 位單位主管與 204 位員工,共 246 名。研究採用多層次 結構方程模型(Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling, MSEM)進行資料合併檢 驗,研究結果顯示集體效能不會中介與任務績效之間的關係;而吸收能力會調 節集體效能和任務績效之關係。

    Dynamic Capability Theory has received more attention recent years. With the
    rapid development of technology and business, companies are forced to give quick
    responds to market for the competitive advantage. That is, the ability to change the
    capability of a company seems significant. This study explores how Unit
    Ambidexterity impact individual Task Performance within company. In addition, the
    mediating mechanism and moderating mechanism between the two will be discussed
    in this study. The data is collected from 38 units of different companies including 42
    unit managers and 204 employees. In this study, multilevel structural equation
    modeling(MSEM) is used for data combination testing. The result indicates collective
    efficacy doesn’t mediate the relation between unit ambidexterity and task
    performance; absorptive capacity does moderate the relation between collective
    efficacy and task performance.
    This study contributes to Unit ambidexterity and Task performance research by
    revealing the mediating mechanism and moderating mechanism.

    摘要.................................................................III Abstract .............................................................IV 目錄...................................................................V 圖表索引..............................................................VI 第一章緒論.............................................................1 第二章文獻探討.........................................................3 第一節理論基礎.....................................................3 第二節集體效能.....................................................4 第三節任務績效.....................................................7 第四節單位雙歧.....................................................8 第五節吸收能力的調節效果.......................................... 10 第六節研究架構與研究假說.......................................... 12 第三章研究方法........................................................ 14 第一節研究設計與研究樣本..........................................14 第二節研究工具與測量方法......................................... 14 第三節資料分析方法................................................18 第四章研究分析與結果.................................................. 21 第一節描述性統計分析.............................................. 21 第二節相關分析....................................................23 第三節資料整合檢驗................................................23 第四節多層次結構方程模型之假說驗證................................24 第五章結論............................................................ 28 第一節研究結果與討論..............................................28 第二節學術意涵與管理意涵..........................................29 第三節研究限制與未來研究方向......................................30 參考資料.............................................................. 32 附錄:研究問卷........................................................ 39

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