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研究生: 張百佑
Pai-yu Chang
論文名稱: 設計資源、設計能力與設計能耐之相關性研究-大可意念個案研究
Exploring the Linkages of Design Resources, Design Capabilities, and Design Competence: A Case Study of Duckimage
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
口試委員: 游萬來
Manlai You
Wen-chih Chang
Chien-Hsiung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 158
中文關鍵詞: 設計資源設計能力設計能耐資源基礎觀點能耐基礎觀點
外文關鍵詞: Design Resource, Design Capability, Design Competence, Resource-based View, Competence-based View
相關次數: 點閱:228下載:12
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  • 儘管先前文獻提及企業競爭優勢主要源自於獨特性能力所集合而成之能耐,唯今日企業設計資源、設計能力與設計能耐的真實內涵及關連性迄今仍模糊不清。基此,以能耐基礎觀點 (competence-based view,CBV) 為理論依據,本研究針對大可意念傳達有限公司進行設計資源、設計能力及設計能耐之內涵與相關性探討。本研究的主要發現有:1) 大可的有形設計資源有:「設計人力」、「設計資金」與「設計專業設備」;而無形設計資源則為:「設計技術」、「設計經驗」、「公司商譽」、「管理機制」、「供應商關係」與「客戶關係」,且「公司商譽」是其最關鍵之設計資源要項;2) 大可的設計能力涵蓋有:「功能性」、「美學性」、「技術性」與「品質性」等四大構面,且「技術性」構面之「材料的開發與新應用」是其最關鍵之設計能力要項;3) 大可的設計能耐包括有:「跨功能整合」、「跨產品應用」與「跨事業分享」三種類型,且「跨事業分享」是最具集合性之設計能耐;4) 「設計人力」、「設計經驗」與「公司商譽」等3項設計資源要項與大可之所有設計能力要項皆具相關性;5) 四大設計能力構面與大可三種不同類型設計能耐皆有相關。除提出若干設計管理實務與研究建議外,本研究更冀望研究成果可作為設計服務公司在策略性規劃設計資源與能力之組合時的重要參考依據。

    Although the past studies noted that competitive advantages in a firm root in its competence which includes a set of distinctive capabilities, there were few empirical studies which could demonstrate the linkages between design resources, design capabilities, and design competence. Thus, through a case study on Duckimage as a Taiwanese design consultancy company which had won over 40 international design awards within five years (from 2003 to 2007), the main purpose of this study is to explore the contents and linkages of design resources, design capabilities and design competence in the Duckimage based on competence-base view (CBV) theory. The findings of this study first confirm that the tangible design resources of the Duckimage are manpower, cash flow, and design facilities, while her intangible design resources include design technology, design experience, company reputation, management mechanism, and the supplier’s (or client’s) relationship. Among them, “company reputation” is the most key design resource in the Duckimage. Secondly, this study further identifies four design capabilities in the Duckimage. They are: 1) design function, 2) design aesthetics, 3) design technology, and 4) design quality. Under design technology, “development and application of new material” is her most key design capability. Thirdly, this study discovers “across-function”, “across-product”, and “across-business” design competence in the Duckimage. Among them, “across-business” is the most collective design competence in the Duckimage. Fourthly, “human resources”, “design experience” and “company reputation” have the effects on all design capabilities in the Duckimage. Finally, all design capabilities have the effects on all design competence in the Duckimage. Additionally, the study also discusses the implications of these findings and suggests several avenues for future research.

    一、緒論.............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景與動機.................................... 1 1.2 研究問題與目的.................................... 2 1.3 研究流程.......................................... 3 二、文獻探討.......................................... 5 2.1 資源基礎觀點與能耐基礎觀點........................ 5 2.1.1 資源基礎觀點........................... 5 2.1.2 能耐基礎觀點........................... 7 2.2 企業資源、能力與能耐.............................. 9 2.3 設計資源、設計能力與設計能耐...................... 11 2.3.1 設計資源............................... 11 2.3.2 設計能力............................... 12 2.3.3 設計能耐............................... 15 2.4 研究架構.......................................... 16 三、研究方法.......................................... 17 3.1 個案研究法...................................... 17 3.2 資料蒐集與分析方法.............................. 19 3.2.1 研究訪談問項........................... 19 3.2.2 資料分析方法........................... 21 3.3 個案對象篩選...................................... 23 3.3.1 個案設計公司篩選....................... 23 3.3.2 個案設計公司之客戶的篩選............... 24 3.4 研究之信度與效度.................................. 25 四、個案研究.......................................... 26 4.1 個案對象說明...................................... 26 4.1.1 大可意念傳達有限公司................... 26 4.1.2 大可之受訪客戶......................... 28 4.2 大可的設計資源、設計能力與設計能耐................ 30 4.2.1 大可的設計資源......................... 30 4.2.2 大可的設計能力......................... 32 4.2.3 大可的設計能耐......................... 36 4.3 大可設計資源、設計能力與設計能耐的相關性.......... 38 4.3.1 大可設計資源與設計能力的相關性......... 38 4.3.2 大可設計能力與設計能耐的相關性......... 43 五、研究討論...........................................46 5.1 大可最具價值性之設計資源.......................... 46 5.2 大可最具獨特性之設計能力.......................... 47 5.3 大可最具集合性之設計能耐.......................... 48 六、研究結論.......................................... 49 七、研究建議.......................................... 50 7.1 設計管理實務的建議................................ 50 7.2 後續研究建議...................................... 50 誌謝.................................................. 51 參考文獻.............................................. 52 附錄.................................................. 56

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